
DH RSE Survey Discussion - Part 1

by Julia Damerow, Malte Vogl, Robert Casties


This blog post looks at the first half of questions from the DH RSE Survey and discusses what the results might mean for people doing technical work in the digital humanities.

DH RSE Survey Results


Earlier this year DHTech asked its members and people doing technical work in DH to respond to a survey to better understand the community and its needs. This posts reports on the result of that survey.

Next webinar will be announced soon

by jdamerow


The next will be announced soon. Until then, check out the summary of the last webinar!

DHTech February Webinar: Deployment, Release, and Packaging Workflows

by jdamerow


On Thu, Feb. 27, 10am ET/4pm CET, we will be talking about how different projects manage their deployment, release, and packaging workflows. We will be discussing the different ways code can be release and deployed and everything that surrounds that topic.

DHTech January Webinar: How to build local DH RSE communities?

by jdamerow


On Thu, Jan. 23, 2020 at 10am ET/4pm CET, we will be discussing how to build local DH RSE communities. We will talk about questions such as how you can go about finding like-minded people at your institution or area or what methods have people successfully applied to build a DH RSE community?

DHTech December Webinar: Discussion of ADHO SIG Proposal

by jdamerow


On December 17, at 10am ET/4pm CET, we will be discussing the ADHO Special Interest Group proposal.

Plans for an ADHO SIG


Special Interest Group that focuses on the technical side of DH such as tool development and maintenance.

DHtech November Webinar: Discussion of ADHO SIG Proposal

by jdamerow


On November 13, at 10am ET/4pm CET, we will be discussing the idea to propose an ADHO Special Interest Group.

How to train your new developers?

by jdamerow


On September 9, 2019 Itay Zandbank will talk about how his company trains new developers followed by a group discussion.

The DH RSE Workshop White Paper by DHTech


This white paper aims to draw attention to some of the issues we observe, and invite anyone who is interested to join us.

Frontend development using Vue.js

by jdamerow


On May 20, 2019, Taylor Quinn will talk about starting a Vue.js project using the Vue CLI and Single file component basics

Upcoming DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


We are currently planning the next workshop. Please check back later for more info.

Announcing the February DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


In the first workshop of 2019 on February 25 at 8am MST/4pm CEST, Julia Damerow will talk about developing applications using Java and the Spring Framework. We will talk about the core concepts of Spring and briefly touch on some of Spring’s projects such as Spring Security and Spring Data.

Announcing the November DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


We are currently planning the next workshop. Please check back later for more info.

Announcing the October DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on October 15, 2018 at 7am MST/4pm CEST. Florian Kräutli will run the workshop. Its topic is "CIDOC-CRM by Practice."

Announcing the July DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on July 09, 2018 at 8am MST/5pm CEST. Yoann Moranville will give an introduction to WordPress plugins.

Announcing the June DHTech Virtual Workshop

by cthiel


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on June 04, 2018 at 8am MST/5pm CEST. Peter Gietz (DAASI International) will talk about Authentication and Authorization.

Announcing the April DHTech Virtual Workshop

by cthiel


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on April 23, 2018 at 8am MST/5pm CET. Julia Damerow (Arizona State University) will talk about Apache Kafka and the Giles Ecosystem.

Announcing the March DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on March 26, 2018 at 8am MST/5pm CET. Carsten Thiel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) will be talking about configuration management.

Announcing the February DHTech Virtual Workshop


The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on February 19, 2018 at 8am MST/4pm CET. Robert Casties (MPIWG) will be talking about image servers and IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework).

Announcing the First DHTech Virtual Workshop

by cthiel


Established at DH 2017 Montreal, DHTech aims to support the development and reuse of software in the Digital Humanities by providing a community to exchange knowledge, share expertise, and foster collaboration among Digital Humanities software projects.