DH Tech Blog

This is the DHTech blog. There are three types of blog posts: ADayInTheLifeOf, 2Simple2Mention, and WhatsHappening. ADayInTheLifeOf aims to give the reader an idea of what a day in the work life of a DH techie looks like. It can be anything the author wants to share about their job. 2Simple2Mention provides a space to live for all these technical problems that we sometimes need a lot of time to fix but that turn out to be super simple. We don't write them down because we think it's so simple we will remember, and spend the same amount of time on them again the next time (or someone else is). WhatsHappening reports on current events in the DHTech space. Enjoy reading!

Want to contribute a blog post? Yes please! Get in touch with us on Slack!

Just sending email notifications

by Julia Damerow

I love my job. It is very interesting and challenging, I get to learn new things all the time, and some semesters I teach, which I enjoy a lot. Some days, however, are like 2020, you just want them to end.



Simply updating the Django version ...

by Malte Vogl

For a small project running on Django, I was planning to do a tiny upgrade. Just changing from Django 2 to Django 3... What could possibly go wrong!



Zope 2.10 in Docker, or Applied Software Archaeology

by Robert Casties

I wanted to migrate the old website on the server to a Docker image for Zope so I could use it in a docker-compose setup together with a standard PostgreSQL container. How hard could that be?



Sharing Users between Django projects

by Malte Vogl

You should never share Django user databases between projects! But sometimes....



DHTech Technical Mentorship Program

by DHTech

A survey to gauge the interest of the community for a technical mentorship program.



DHtech on Twitter

by DHtech

DHtech is now tweeting @dhtech_group



DHtech on Twitter

by DHtech

DHtech is now tweeting @dhtech_group



DHTech Technical Mentorship Program

by DHTech

A survey to gauge the interest of the community for a technical mentorship program.



Sharing Users between Django projects

by Malte Vogl

You should never share Django user databases between projects! But sometimes....



Zope 2.10 in Docker, or Applied Software Archaeology

by Robert Casties

I wanted to migrate the old website on the server to a Docker image for Zope so I could use it in a docker-compose setup together with a standard PostgreSQL container. How hard could that be?



Simply updating the Django version ...

by Malte Vogl

For a small project running on Django, I was planning to do a tiny upgrade. Just changing from Django 2 to Django 3... What could possibly go wrong!



Just sending email notifications

by Julia Damerow

I love my job. It is very interesting and challenging, I get to learn new things all the time, and some semesters I teach, which I enjoy a lot. Some days, however, are like 2020, you just want them to end.

