Announcing the October DHTech Virtual Workshop

by jdamerow

The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on October 15, 2018 at 7am MST/4pm CEST. Florian Kräutli will run the workshop. Its topic is "CIDOC-CRM by Practice."

The next DHTech Virtual Workshop will be on October 15, 2018 at 7am MST/4pm CEST held by Florian Kräutli. The topic of the workshop will be “CIDOC-CRM by Practice.” Florian will give an introduction to the practical application of CIDOC-CRM for creating Linked Data applications. He will demonstrate how to convert existing data to CIDOC-CRM and subsequently visualize it within a Linked Data platform. Florian coordinates digital research activities at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. More info will follow soon.

Save the date 15 Oct 2018 now and join us on Zoom.